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In June 2010, our then 1-year-old male cat Barry was probably hit by a car and his hindquarters were completely paralysed. He couldn’t even urinate or defecate by himself. Three days later, after treatment with prednisone and lactulosis by our vet, there was no improvement at all, and the vet advised us to euthanize Barry. But we felt he was still happy and didn’t want to give up yet. However, we also didn’t want the expensive surgery with no guarantee of a positive outcome for Barry, which the vet proposed.


Through the internet we found Dr Aharon’s website,, and we read similar stories about other cats and dogs. Dr Aharon diagnosed some vertebrae as misaligned, and found that Barry still reacted to pain in his hind legs, which indicated that recovery was possible. A week later, after treatment with painkillers and exercise, she adjusted his misaligned vertebrae by orthomanual therapy. During the following months with our intensive care at home and several treatments and advice from Dr Aharon, Barry gradually recovered. His hindquarters regained more and more functions and eventually he could stand up and walk again.


Unfortunately, Barry was hit by a car again in January 2011, at the exact same spot of the earlier accident, and he passed away. Until then, he was doing very well and we thank Dr Aharon for her help.

Van Elten Family

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